Here are some projects I have carried out, they are online accessible in HTTPS through Cloudflare.

For this, I have a VPS (virtual private server) under Linux and a domain name.

I have configured continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) of these projects on Azure Devops linked to my GitHub.

The backend applications run in Docker containers.

This has allowed me to exercise my skills in system administration, security, development, deployment, and continuous integration.

A personal decentralized application (dApp) enabling users to create and read blog posts, with metadata stored on IPFS and CIDs anchored on the Sepolia testnet blockchain.

The Web3 Blog is a personal project designed to explore decentralized content creation and storage.

Users can create and read blog posts, with metadata stored on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and Content Identifiers (CIDs) anchored on the Sepolia testnet blockchain.

This approach ensures both decentralization and immutability of content.

Development of a Web 3.0 SaaS dashboard for the CEA, the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission.

It allows monitoring greenhouse gas emissions (like CO2) on a customizable dashboard.

The data comes from multiple laboratories and is anchored on the Blockchain.

This SaaS provides a data auditing feature, which was challenging due to multiple data architectures and dynamic processes provided by each laboratory. Additionally, the SaaS offers local data auditability. To handle both audit methods, I implemented a microservice architecture involving Docker containerization management.

A data audit involves interacting with smart contracts to verify that the data is properly anchored and trustworthy.

You will find a demo using fake data.

This project is about a Quiz where the questions and answers are managed by an AI LLM model: GPT 4o mini.

Through this POC, I share a way to use an AI model through a REST API, and how we can interact with a frontend.

A project carried out during my studies and presented to the examination jury.

The application offers meal reservations by students at restaurants around the school.

This project is not in production, but it is deployed for demonstration. This allowed me to cover a wide range of skills: project management, client management, mock-ups, design, realization, communication, and presentation of a complete project.

On the technical side, I applied all my knowledge of the time: software architecture DDD, unit testing, development, deployment, and continuous integration (CI/CD), and security.

It is a web application with a REST API backend and a React frontend. The backend is in Dotnet with a SQL Server database. Unit tests are present, and the code is organized according to the DDD model

This small project is a simple application using a map of France.

It is a position locator.

This project offers a simple QR code generator.

It allows generating QR codes from text.

This project delivers a basic calculator in which you have to draw the numbers, which are interpreted by a Deep Learning CNN neural network to be calculated.

This handwritten digit detection AI model was configured and trained by me on a dataset, which is exposed through a REST API, consumed by a frontend, and used to calculate the drawn numbers.

Hovering over the numbers, you can see the model's prediction statistics.